Take it from us, the joy of seeing the first green shoots of your perennials pop out of the ground in spring is exhilarating! They are the answer for spaces where you want to see the same plant come back year after year, and essential for the lifecycles of many beneficial pollinators.

Sun & Shade

We consider full sun to be at least 6 hours of direct sunlight. Many perennials that flourish in that level of brightness are the showiest, though we’d argue their shade tolerant buddies are every bit as lovely. We grow a large number of varieties suitable for either condition, and would be happy to help you find the right one (or ten) for your garden.

I'm for sun!
I'm for shade!
I'm for sun!
I'm for shade!


Native isn’t just a buzzword in the plant world, it’s a fundamental principle when selecting plants that makes gardening better for surrounding ecosystems. Native plants provide food and shelter for many organisms like birds and beneficial insects. As a bonus, most native plants are easier to care for, because they are already adapted to our local conditions. We carry many species native to North America, with most native to the Northeast specifically.


Whether you need a miniature living carpet or additions to a rock garden, we stock multiple options for plants that are short in stature but not in charm!

Aren’t they cute!